
"We Are Too Stupid To Survive" alert

Today I saw one of those big, oversized trucks. You know the ones I mean. Jacked-up, monster tires, hauling nothing. The double cab, nothing in the back. Sticker of "Calvin" pissing on something. Probably another brand of truck, or the word "Terrorists" (take that, Osama!), The Bush ’04 sticker. Etc. Etc. Etc. "So what," you say? On the bottom of the truck, just behind the rear axle, the owner had attached a large, fake, bull-sized scrotum and testicles. I’m serious. Jaw dropping. It defies comment. It out-parodies parody. Where is there left to go? How do you even mock or insult someone like that? How does someone that dumb get a license? Or even remember to breathe consistently?

I wanted to go on and on about these trucks and Humvees and relate it to our declining empire and it would be ever so deep and caustic, but I can't. Seeing this idiotic shit may have given me a stroke or something.

My head hurts. I have to go lie down now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree////I want to put a bull's eye on my forehead. Not for me for the wide world of shit!

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes it is depressing... that's why i'm on valium.

works wonders.

12:38 AM  
Blogger MacLymont said...

Vicodin is like a vacation from the world, too. Unfortunately (like most vacations), it can make a person constipated.

8:44 AM  

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